Sunday, January 25, 2009

guitar...i think

Well... I;ve been switching off instruments i play between drums and guitar. I've been playing both for a while (the drums count as banging my hands on the counter...or where ever else) so i'm not sure if i should focus more on one or the other. HMmmm?....

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Ok....well i have nothing to write about so i chose the topic salmon.....Not only is it delicious its also good for you. It's like chocolate but fish tasting and better for you in a way....kinda. I mean..if fish were ninjas (like me) they would be so cool cause the salmon jump out of the water and its like "HELLO THERE IS A FREAKIN BEAR RIGHT THERE WATCH OUT!!!" but if they were ninjas they'd jump out and just punch the bear in the face! that'd be sweet! i think we need ninja fish...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

HEY ok i think im ready to commit to this now

ok well...its been a long time since i've done this but i just dont know what to say. I guess i can start out with the good news. Good news part 1: I HAVE GOOD GRADES!!!!! that means money, money means new stuff, new stuff means no more boredom, no more boredom means that i can be locked up in this house for hours on end alone actually haveing more fun than usuall! Good news part 2: I'm going to freakin' WISCONSIN DELLS! I mean sure in the summer it makes sense to swim but the winter...all the loser kids with no sense of direction that you want to roundhouse kick in the face wont be there. And it wont be crowded. Shorter lines. Water feels warmer. I GET TO BRING A FRIEND! mommy's birthday is the day after we come back! moving on... the bad news... 1: Its still freaking cold. 2: I have to walk home...not bike like I'd prefer. 3: Its cold. but we're in minnesota what do you expect? I remember going ice fishing and me and my cousin playing soccer...with a frozen fish. Which brings an idea to me. :) can we all save money by putting stuff in our freezer outside then turning the coldness down saving money making the freezer refigerator? sorry if its confusing. well...I'll try to blog tommorow if i dont have home work. God i hate that word. Work you do at home. isnt that chores? they should let you do that in school and thats it.