Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm back

Well...I finished my chores now i think i should get some sleep but come on I'm a teenager do I really need sleep? It might be good for you and all but alot of the time I can go on little to no sleep. whatever I'm going to bed. Night all my followers i dont have! :(

How do you do this?

Ok...well I think i just write stuff? What stuff? Like what I did today or something? OK I'll go with that. I....played videogames all day...BUT...tommorow is new years eve which means PARTY!!!!!!!! Parties are always good...except if the party is bad...then the party is bad I guess. I get to hang out with friends (not like I havent done that everyday) but ITS SNOWY! I kinda like snow. Except for the cold part...that sucks. If snow was warm...it'd be cool but NO it just doesn't work like that. I'm supposed to be doing chores...or sleeping...probably supposed to have them done and be asleep by now. Well whatever...I'll do them soon. OK? I found scratches on my thumb...how they get there? Oh well their cool. Dang this blog is long. I got skills! YAY!!!!